How to cancel your Flou free trial so you don't get billed
If you sign up for a Flou free trial, and you'd like to cancel so you don't get billed, you can do this from your workspace.
Simply go to Settings > Subscription Update and click on Cancel plan.
Step 1 – Settings > Subscription Update
Step 2 – Cancel Plan
Deleting your Flou account won't stop Stripe from billing you.
You need to first cancel your plan by going to your Settings > Subscription Update.
How to cancel your Flou paid subscription
If you pay a Flou subscription, and you'd like to cancel, follow the same process as explained above.
Go to Settings > Subscription Update and click on Cancel plan.
Once cancelled, you’ll retain access to Flou until the end of your current billing period, and you won’t be billed for this subscription in the next period.
How to delete your Flou account
If you want to delete your Flou account, go to Settings > Delete My Account.
Deleting your Flou account won't stop Stripe from billing you.
You need to first cancel your paid subscription or free trial by going to your Settings > Subscription Update.
If you have a contracted subscription (i.e. Enterprise), you'll need to contact your Account Manager about cancelling your subscription.
What happens if I cancel my Flou subscription
What happens if I cancel my Flou subscription
You will retain access to your Flou account until your next renewal date, but you will lose access after that date. Thus, make sure to download all your contracts before the cancellation date.